Dissection of a scam

Most internet-savvy people develop a kind of natural resistance against spam, obtrusive advertisement, and online scams. Stopping for a second to ponder the state of things reveals a wealth of information not only on the scammers themselves, but also sheds light on the people being scammed. A few days ago I noticed at the end of …

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That is so Hollywood

[Citation not needed] Sandra Zober Sandra Zober was an actress. She was the first wife of actor Leonard Nimoy, with whom she had two children. […] She eventually joined a support group for women divorced from Hollywood stars that was initially called Life After Divorce Is Eventually Sane (LADIES), but was soon renamed the Hollywood Dumpettes.   …

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Gelato Jilatu

I think it was my brother who first introduced me to the concept of Wiki-nationalism. This happens when an article on Wikipedia says very different things in different languages, reflecting the point of view of a given country or culture. I remember laughing while reading the article on Christopher Columbus in English, Spanish and Italian. The English …

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Keep up with the times

  The mechanism of Antikythera is an ancient Greek “Analogue computer” used to calculate astronomical positions. It’s a fascinating piece of technology that represents the earliest known mechanical clockwork: it is believed to have functioned as a set of at least 30 different bronze gears which several studies tried to reconstruct as digital or physical models. Its …

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